Jack Socha INFO!

"A Blast From The Past!"



This is a direct positive photo from 1966.


At 18, I was in Baltimore, training to be an "Intelligence Analyst" in the US Army.


I was taking a bus back to NJ. In the bus terminal there was this OLD photo booth, unlike the newer ones that gave you four views in a strip.


This booth took one shot, using several photoflood bulbs, and delivered a single photo in a tin metal frame.


The frame is gone and somewhere I laminated it, but you can still see the soft 1940's style of the exposure and lens.


Keep in mind that the 1940's were only 20 years earlier, so these machines still had supplies!


And Speaking Of the 1940's


A few years ago the historical fiction book The Good German was made into a movie starring George Clooney.


To achieve the "look" of films made in the 40's, they not only shot in black and white, but used lenses and other gear from the same era. That, plus historical footage, worked to give the film a very authentic "feel" that probably could not have been done with digital filtering. There was flare, just like on the insignia of the hat in my photo.



There is renewed interest in "vintage" lenses for still photography because hey can now be easily adapted to mirrorless cameras. Certain lenses, especially 50mm f/1.4 versions have jumped in price dramatically. A lot of old lenses are coming out of dusty gadget bags!